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The Psycho-Cardiology Research Lab

"The Psycho-Cardiology Research Lab aims to explore the psychological experiences of individuals dealing with various illnesses, with a specific focus on cardiac conditions, as well as the experiences of their family members. The Lab's core values are Scientific Excellence, Collaboration, and the making of knowledge accessible to different stakeholders. These core values serve as the foundation of our lab's mission and guide our efforts in advancing the field of psycho-cardiology."

The lab's members
A picture of the lab activity
A lecture
Noa lecturing
A lecture
The lab's members

Our lab is guided by three core values: Scientific Excellence, Collaboration, and Knowledge Sharing.

A lecture
Scientific excellence

We place great emphasis on upholding the highest standards of scientific rigor. This entails employing robust research methods and adhering to the best practices established within our field. By doing so, we ensure the validity and reliability of our findings, contributing to the overall advancement of knowledge in the field of psycho-cardiology research.

The lab members

Collaboration is of significant importance to our lab. We actively foster partnerships and collaborations both locally and internationally. We engage in collaborative efforts with research institutions, experts, and clinicians from around the world, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives in enhancing our understanding of cardiac illnesses and their psychological implications. Read more…

Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Sharing

We strongly prioritize knowledge sharing and accessibility. We share our findings with the scientific community, healthcare practitioners, patients, and their families. We actively contribute our expertise to decision-making platforms, including the Israeli Parliament, the National Council for Treatment & Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, NGOs like Caregivers Israel and the Israeli Heart Organization and Scientific societies as the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), and the European Society of Cardiology. Through these channels, we strive to ensure that our research and expertise reach key stakeholders, inform policymaking, and contribute to shaping the healthcare landscape.


Congratulations, Daniel Becker, on completing your Excellent thesis Titled: “Burden and depressive symptoms among caregivers, in the context of acute coronary syndrome: The moderating role of Relationship Satisfaction and Perceived Partner Responsiveness”

Congratulations, Dr. Maya Golan, for your new publication:” It takes two hearts to cope with an artificial one: the necessity of applying a dyadic approach in the context of left ventricular assist device transplantation—Opinion paper.”

“The lab welcomes Afik Yael and Shira Kashano, our new MA students. Welcome aboard!

Research fields

Men getting a heart ache

Caregiving for the elderly


Couple therapy

Personality & Health

A woman in shock
Ethnicity & Gender

quote background

"The family is the unit of illness because it is the unit of living”

Henry Richardson (1948)