The Psycho-Cardiology Research Lab was established in 2004 by Prof. Noa Vilchinsky, with the objective of investigating the psychological experiences of individuals coping with different cardiac illnesses and the experiences of their family members. Despite being recognized as the leading cause of mortality worldwide and causing significant psychological turmoil for patients and caregivers, there remains a lack of sufficient research into the mental ramifications of cardiac illness.
At our lab, we are dedicated to shedding light on the emotions, individual and dyadic coping efforts, adherence behaviors, and difficulties faced by individuals as they strive to adjust to their new reality. Our studies are multidimensional in nature, delving into personality traits, interpersonal transactions, gender, and ethnic differences, to identify the factors that both hinder and enhance recovery.
Our research encompasses various settings, ranging from the Intensive Cardiac Care Units (ICUs) and cardiac clinics to the cardiac rehabilitation center and patients' homes. We collaborate with five medical centers located throughout Israel, spanning from the northern region to the southern region. Our engagement with patients and their family members begins during the acute phase of the illness while they are in the ICUs. We maintain ongoing contact throughout their iteractions in the cardiac clinics and continue to stay connected during the chronic phase of their coping, typically when they participate in a cardiac rehabilitation center. By monitoring their progress over time, we observe and document the trajectories of their adaptation.