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In the medical field, the focus of research often centers on factors that impact patients' experiences
and behaviors, inadvertently overlooking the crucial role of caregivers and their difficulties.
However, our research team has long recognized the significance of caregivers and their profound
influence in the context of cardiac illnesses. Over the past 13 years, we have dedicated our
investigations to exploring various aspects related to caregiving within this population.
One prominent area of our exploration has been the identification of difficulties arising from the
caregiving situation and the factors that contribute to them. Notably, our studies have revealed that
partners who accompany the patient to the hospital may unknowingly subject themselves to a
heightened risk of experiencing greater distress following their loved one's cardiac event (Cornelius
et al., 2020). This finding underscores the potential emotional toll placed on caregivers and the
importance of recognizing and addressing their needs.
In a specific longitudinal study on Cardiac Disease-induced Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (CDI-
PTSS), we made a significant discovery. We found that partners of cardiac patients experienced CDI-
PTSS that persisted for several months after the cardiac event. Distress during patients'
hospitalization and fear of illness progression emerged as contributing factors to the chronicity of
their CDI-PTSS over time (Eisenberg et al., 2022). This revelation highlights the importance of
identifying risk factors for CDI-PTSS among partners and emphasizes the urgent need for developing
interventions that can alleviate their distress.
Recently, our team uncovered a compelling finding: the support provided by patients can alleviate
the distress experienced by caregiving partners (Katz et al., 2023). This discovery sheds light on the
reciprocal dynamics within the caregiving relationship and underscores the potential for patient
support to positively impact the well-being of their caregivers.
Moreover, our research team is actively engaged in an ongoing multinational longitudinal study that
spans nine countries (Entwine-Informal Care) funded by the European Research Committee Horizon
2020 fund. This comprehensive study aims to delve into the intricate experience of caregiving,
explore motivations that drive individuals to take on this role, and examine the diverse influences
that shape the caregiving experience among informal caregivers.
By focusing on the caregivers' experiences and deeply understanding their unique needs, our research
endeavors strive to provide invaluable insights into the challenges they face. Furthermore, we aim to
contribute to the development of interventions and support systems that can better assist and alleviate
the burden borne by caregivers. We wholeheartedly acknowledge the vital role caregivers play in the
care and support of cardiac patients, and we are committed to bringing attention to their needs and
advocating for their well-being within the medical field

Smiling elders
Smiling elders

Noa's book
Noa's book