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״היחס המצרי לשלום עם ישראל, 1995-1977״
רמי גינת, 2024
“Challenges in the Conceptualization and Implementation of Normalization: Insights from Egyptian–Israeli Relations”
Meirav Mishali-Ram and Rami Ginat, 2023
“Rethinking the Egyptian–Israeli Peace Treaty: Perceptions and Receptions within Egyptian Society (1977–1982)”
Rami Ginat and Marwan Abu-Ghazaleh Mahajneh, 2022
“Egyptian Communist Voices of Peace (1947-1958)”
Rami Ginat, 2021
“En Route to Revolution: The Communists and the Free Officers—Honeymoon and Separation”
Rami Ginat and Odelya Alon, 2016
“Jewish Identities in the Arab Middle East: The Case of Egypt in Retrospect”
Rami Ginat, 2014
"Remembering History: The Egyptian Discourse on the Role of Jews in the Communist Movements"
Rami Ginat, 2013
"The Soviet Union: The Roots of War and a Reassessment of Historiography"
Rami Ginat, 2012
"From Monarchy to Republic: Continuity and Change in Egypt's Cold War Politics, 1943-1956"
Rami Ginat, 2011
"Tacit Support of Terrorism: the Rapprochement between the USSR and Palestinian Guerilla Organizations following the 1967 War"
Rami Ginat and Uri Bar-Noi, 2007
“Islam vis-à-vis Communism and Socialism”
Rami Ginat, 2004
“India and the Palestine Question: the Emergence of the Asio-Arab Bloc and India’s Quest for Hegemony in the Post Colonial Third World”
Rami Ginat, 2004
“Syria’s and Lebanon’s Meandering Road to Independence: the Soviet Involvement and the Anglo-French Rivalry”
Rami Ginat, 2002
“British Concoction or Bilateral Decision: Revisiting the Genesis of Soviet Egyptian Diplomatic Relations”
Rami Ginat, 1999
“Soviet Policy towards the Arab World, 1945-1948”
Rami Ginat, 1996
“National, Territorial or Religious Conflict? The Case of Nagorno- Karabakh”
Arie Vaserman and Rami Ginat, 1994