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Prof. Rami Ginat

Rami Ginat is a full-Professor and former head of the Department of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. He took his BA and MA degrees at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Tel-Aviv University; and his Ph.D. degree in Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science, supervised by the renowned scholar, Professor Elie Kedourie. His fields of expertise are focused on the study and teaching of the modern Middle East. His work pays careful attention to the mutual feedback between politics and ideas; that is, examining ideology in view of changing political realities and vice versa. He published many books and articles on a variety of subjects related to the Great Powers and the Middle East, and Cold War studies with special reference to Egypt and Syria.

Fields of Interest

International politics of the Middle East

The Cold War, the Great Powers and the Middle East

Politics and Ideology in the Arab Middle East

Socialism, Communism, Nationalism, Islamism in the Arab Middle East

Regional Disputes

Imperialism, Colonialism and Dispute Settlements

Publications - Selected Articles

״היחס המצרי לשלום עם ישראל, 1995-1977״

רמי גינת , 2024

“Challenges in the Conceptualization and Implementation of Normalization: Insights from Egyptian–Israeli Relations”

Meirav Mishali-Ram and Rami Ginat , 2023

“En Route to Revolution: The Communists and the Free Officers—Honeymoon and Separation”

Rami Ginat and Odelya Alon , 2016

“British Concoction or Bilateral Decision: Revisiting the Genesis of Soviet Egyptian Diplomatic Relations”

Rami Ginat , 1999

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