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Characterization of Alternative Splicing in High-Risk Wilms' Tumors
Trink Y, Urbach A, Dekel B, Hohenstein P, Goldberger J, Kalisky T., 2024
Nephron-Specific Lin28A Overexpression Triggers Severe Inflammatory Response and Kidney Damage
Futorian A, Armon L, Waldman Ben-Asher H, Shoval I, Hazut I, Munitz A, Urbach A. , 2024
Characterization of Continuous Transcriptional Heterogeneity in High-Risk Blastemal-Type Wilms' Tumors Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Trink Y, Urbach A, Dekel B, Hohenstein P, Goldberger J, Kalisky T. , 2023
Characterization of alternative mRNA splicing in cultured cell populations representing progressive stages of human fetal kidney development
Wineberg Y, Kanter I, Ben-Haim N, Pode-Shakked N, Bucris E, Bar-Lev T, Oriel S, Reinus H, Yehuda Y, Gershon R, Shukrun  R, Bar-Lev D, Urbach A, Dekel B, Kalisky T., 2022
Apoptosis induction by the stem cell factor LIN28
Attali-Padael Y, Armon L, Urbach A, 2021
Generation and characterization of iPSC lines from two nuclear envelopathy patients with a homozygous nonsense mutation in the TOR1AIP1 gene
Ben-Haim Y, Armon L, Fichtman B, Epshtein I, Spiegel R, Harel A, Urbach A., 2021
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals mRNA splice isoform switching during kidney development
Wineberg Y*, Bar-Lev T*, Futorian A*, Ben-Haim N, Armon L, Ickowicz D, Oriel S, Bucris E, Yehuda Y, Pode-Shakked N, Gilad S, Benjamin S, Hohenstein P, Dekel B#, Urbach A#, Kalisky T#, 2020
Human pluripotent stem cell fate regulation by SMARCB1
Human pluripotent stem cell fate regulation by SMARCB1, 2020
The Lin28/Let-7 pathway regulates the mammalian caudal body axis elongation program
Robinton DA, Chal J, Lummertz da Rocha E, Han A, Yermalovich AV, Oginuma M, Schlaeger TM, Sousa P, Rodriguez A, Urbach A, Pourquié O, Daley GQ, 2019
Lin28 over-expression delays normal embryonic lung development
Komarovsky Nelly, Armon Leah, Urbach A, 2019
Geometry of gene expression space of wilms' tumors from human patients
Trink A, Kanter I, Pode-Shakked N, Urbach A, Dekel B, Kalisky T, 2018
PPARG is central to the initiation and propagation of human angiomyolipoma, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic target.
Pleniceanu O, Shukrun R, Omer D, Vax E, Kanter I, Dziedzic K, Pode-Shakked N, Mark-Daniei M, Pri-Chen S, Gnatek Y, Alfandary H, Varda-Bloom N, Bar-Lev DD, Bollag N, Shtainfeld R, Armon L, Urbach A, Kalisky T, Nagler A, Harari-Steinberg O, Arbiser JL, , 2017
Lin28 – a stem cells factor with a key role in pediatric tumor formation
Carmel-Gross I, Bollag N, Armon L, Urbach A, 2016
Lin28 sustains early renal progenitors and induces Wilms tumor
Urbach A, Yermalovich A, Spina CS, Zhu H, Perez-Atayde AR, Shukrun R, Charlton J, Sebire N, Mifsud W, Dekel B, Pritchard-Jones K, Daley GQ, 2014
Comparing ESC and iPSC—Based Models for Human Genetic Disorders
Halevy T, Urbach A., 2014
The Lin28/let-7 axis regulates glucose metabolism
Zhu H, Shyh-Chang N, Segrè AV, Shinoda G, Shah SP, Einhorn WS, Takeuchi A, Engreitz JM, Hagan JP, Kharas MG, Urbach A, Thornton JE, Triboulet R, Gregory RI; DIAGRAM Consortium; MAGIC Investigators, Altshuler D, Daley GQ, 2011