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Ruthstein Lab


Ruthstein Lab


Ruthstein Lab


Ruthstein Lab

The Copper Metabolism Lab

In our lab, we utilize various biophysical methods, such as EPR, NMR, CD, together with biochemical experiments, and computational methods to study the cellular copper cycle in detail in eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems. The knowledge gained is then used to develop novel biomarkers and therapeutic compounds. All experiments from the protein expression and purification stage till the cellular and mice level are conducted in house by the lab group members.

Fields of Interest

The copper cycle in eukaryotic systems

The copper cycle in prokaryotic systems

Developing 64Cu-based radiotracers

The effect of copper on crop yield

Recent Publications

Exploring the Gating Mechanism of the Human Copper Transporter, hCtr1, Using EPR Spectroscopy

Peleg, S.; Meron, S.; Shenberger, Y.; Hofmann, L.; Gevorkyan-Airapetov, L.; Ruthstein, S.; , 2025

Tracking disordered extracellular domains of membrane proteins in the cell with Cu(II)-based spin-labels.

Meron, S.; Peleg, S.; Shenberger, Y.; Hofmann, L.; Gevorkyan-Airapetov, L.; Ruthstein, S. , 2024

The dynamic plasticity of P. aerguinosa CueR copper transcription factor upon cofactor and DNA binding.

Yasin, A.; Mandato, A.; Hofmann, L.; Igbaria-Jaber, Y.; Shenberger, Y.; Gevorkyan-Airapetov, L.; Saxena, S.; Ruthstein, S. , 2024

An in-cell spin-labelling methodology provides structural information on cytoplasmic proteins in bacteria.

Shenberger, Y.; Gevorkyan-Airapetov, L.; Hirsch, M.; Hofmann, L.;Ruthstein, S. , 2023

View Selected Publications



Congratulations to Shahaf and Shelly for their acceptaed paper to Biomolecules!


Welcome Alaa and Shaama to our lab!


Sharon started her new position as the Chair of the Chemistry Deaprtment. 


Congratulations to Shelly and Shahaf for their accepted paper to JPC B!


Congratulations to Melanie and Lukas for their accepted paper to Biophys. Reports

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