Your Reputation's Safe with Me: Framing-Free Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs at the Efficient Probabilistic Proofs Workshop (July 2022).
Rewindable Oblivious RAM and Applications to Fully Homomorphic Encryption for RAMs at the Oblivious Data Structures and Algorithms Workshop (July 2019).
Is There An Oblivious RAM Lower Bound For Online Reads? at the Lower Bounds in Cryptography Workshop (July 2019).
Is There An Oblivious RAM Lower Bound For Online Reads? at the Xi'an International Workshop on Blockchain 2018 (December 2018) [slides].
Multi-Key Searchable Encryption, Revisited at the 2018 IBM Verification, Privacy, and Security Conference (November 2018).
Overview of Format-Preserving Encryption at the 6th Bar-Ilan WinterSchool On Cryptography (January 2016) [slides].
Practical Solutions for Format-Preserving Encryption at the Technion Cryptoday 2015 (December 2015) [slides].