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Our Team

At the Marine Ecosystem Dynamics (MEDs) Lab, we are a multidisciplinary team of researchers dedicated to understanding coral reef ecosystems' past, present, and future. Our expertise spans paleoecology, marine ecology, environmental monitoring, and advanced modelling, allowing us to investigate reef dynamics across spatial, temporal, and depth gradients.

Principal Investigator

Gal Eyal, PhD

Head of the MEDs Lab

Lab Manager


Dr. Noa Simon-Blecher

Researcher and lab manager


Noa is our lab manager (shared with Prof. Levy's lab) specialised in molecular biology and phylogeny of marine organisms


Ph.D Students

M.Sc Students

Ankita Das


Ankita has been doing her thesis in the lab since mid-2023. She is focusing on the effect of climate changes on the coral holobiont from shallow and mesophotic environments using molecular and biochemical tools.


Amir Agami


Shallow vs. Mesophotic Corals' Biochemistry Compounds and Regulations


Almod Haim


Deep-Sea Research in Eilat, Red Sea


Illai Madnick


Mesophotic Ecosystems Research in Eilat, Red Sea


Research Assistants

Lihi Alon


BSc student @ BIU

Lihi is doing her last-year BSc final project in the lab. She is focusing on 3D photogrammetry data reconstructions from Heron Island, GBR, Australia


Neta Gidron


BSc student @ BIU

Neta is doing her last-year BSc final project in the lab. She is focusing on coral fluorescence diversity and function in native and captive conditions


Sky Yedidia


BSc student @ BIU

Sky is doing his last-year BSc final project in the lab. Sky is using advanced 3D modelling techniques to study coral reefs in Moreton Bay, Australia. His role is centred on generating high-resolution orthomosaics from vast image datasets, which are then analyzed to assess the effects of bleaching on coral ecosystems.


Yuval Karako


BSc student @ BIU

Yuval is doing his last-year BSc final project in the lab. Working on semantic segmentation of large areas of coral reefs.



Dr. Bar Feldman