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Selective deep-water coral bleaching occurs through depth isolation

Gal Eyal, Jack H. Laverick, Or Ben-Zvi, Kristen T. Brown, Netanel Kramer, Raz Tamir, Yoav Lindemann, Oren Levy, John M. Pandolfi, 2022

  • Mesophotic communities are not immune from coral bleaching, are in danger, and are degrading in the Red Sea.

  • Heat accumulation at mesophotic depths is almost twofold higher than on adjacent shallow reefs.

  • Bleaching events affect the deep-specialist coral populations, with ~50% coral community mortality at 60 m depth.

  • The deeper benthic community lost framework builders may result in lower complexity, fewer niches, and loss of biodiversity.

  • Experimental evidence suggests that deep-specialist corals are less tolerant of heat stress and bleach more readily.

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